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Samsung Galaxy S25 Series
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Electronic Device Trade-in
Offline Trade-up

Purchase Samsung Galaxy S25 series, TRADE IN old device up to $6,300
(This TRADE-IN price is calculated based on 4 Feb TRADE-IN price of Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (1TB) up to $5,900 + official TRADE-IN offer $300 + Fortress exclusive Extra TRADE-IN offer $100.)

Limited-time offer: Fortress exclusive Extra TRADE-IN offer $100
Step to get Extra TRADE-IN offer:
(1)During 4 - 13 Feb, get the TRADE-IN quotation from online TRADE-IN Platform. After completing the quotation process, enter promo code (FTRTRADEES) and complete the registration process. Plus, purchase Samsung Galaxy S25 series in store/ online store.
(2)During 14 - 16 Feb, drop off the old device and complete the TRADE-IN process in store, with the Extra TRADE-IN offer registration screen capture and Samsung Galaxy S25 order receipt, to get Extra TRADE-IN offer $100.

This offer is applicable to designated smartphone model TRADE-IN, including Samsung Galaxy S22-S24、 A54-A55、Z4-6 series and iPhone 14-16 series.

Trade in unused device at Fortress store and choose to receive Fortress eVoucher or ​
ParknShop eVoucher via your MoneyBack App^!
Let’s trade in old device for whatever you want!

Click here to check price now

Trade-In Features

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Gorgeous Trade-in Price

Highly transparent to check the gorgeous Trade-in price

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5-day Price Guarantee

5-day guarantee on the Trade-in price you checked on the platform. Bring the old device to store within 5 days and get the same trade-in price*

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Get Fortress / ParknShop store eVoucher

Trade in your old device for eVoucher to buy whatever you want

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Extra Trade-up Offer

Upon dropping off the old device at store, you may earn extra offer on buying new device

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Mobile Data Transfer Package

Mobile Data Transfer applies same platform and cross-platform (iOS/Android)

4 Steps only!
Check Trade-in Price online & drop off device offline

Step 1: Check Trade-in price online

Provide basic information on New Trade-in online quotation platform and check the Trade-in price quotation of your old device instantly!*
You may also bring the old device to store directly and evaluation instantly

Step 2: Back up the old device

Back up the content of old device and reset the old device​
Welcome to register for our mobile phone data transfer service if you need assistanceCell Phone Data Transfer Service

Step 3: Drop Off Old Device and Confirm Trade-in Price

After completing the above steps, you may drop off the old device to any of our Fortress stores
Our specialist will conduct a simple check-up and confirm the final Trade-in price of the old device

Step 4: Get Fortress / ParknShop store eVoucher#/ Offset the price of new device instantly

Once Trade-in process is done, Fortress / ParknShop store eVoucher# will be sent to your MoneyBack account
Pick a new device at the same time and you may earn extra Trade-up offer

Corporate Trade-in Service for Electronic Device

Corporate Electronics Recycling Services

Check price online^ and support door-to-door pick-up service
Provide invoice for hardware upgrade
Enjoy corporate offer and trade-in offer for purchasing new device*
Implement social responsibility to protect the environment

^Electronic device includes smartphones and notebooks
*Minimum order quantity is required for designated products for entitling corporate offer
For any enquiries, please email to fortress_corp@aswatson.com


1. How to count 5-day Price Guarantee?

5-day Price Guarantee starts on purchase date. For example: The guarantee price on 1st January is valid to 5th January.

2. Why Trade-in Price is different in transaction?

​The final trade-in value offered will be based on the final checking by Fortress staff. If any defects or damages are found, the trade-in value offered might be different. Quotation will be become invalid.

3. If the purchased item is returned, can I get back my trade-in device?

​After trade-in, Fortress will be the ower of trade-in device. If you use trade-up offer to purhcase new device, the offer is applied on designated product that cannot exchange to other product or cash.

4. I cannot find the device in Trade-in Website

Please contact our frontline salesman if you cannot find the device.