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Toast is the first thing that comes to mind if you need to make a quick breakfast in the morning. But for that, you need a toaster! However, the function of a basic electric toaster is simply to make toast. Baking bread is a bit harder. It may seem like a simple task, but with a toaster oven, you can prepare quick, easy and creative eats. But with so many different types of toaster ovens on the market, which one is your best breakfast helper? Don't worry, we’ve got some tips for you at FORTRESS!

Tips for choosing a toaster oven

1. More baking functions

If you love to eat all sorts of bread, check out the baking functions of the toaster oven you want to buy. Some not only toast bread, but can also defrost, heat up and even have a bagel function (for toasting bread on one side). With a height-adjustable bread rack, you can heat up rolls, pastry, pastries and buns to give you more variety at breakfast.

2. More and wider bread slots

Toaster ovens usually have two bread slots. Some models have four slots, indicating the number of slices of bread that can be toasted at the same time. For those who prefer thickly-sliced bread, choose a toaster oven with wider slots. The size of a toaster oven depends on the number and width of the slots so choose a model according to your needs and family size.

3. Easy to clean

Many toaster ovens have a tray which allows crumbs to be collected centrally. Simply remove the bottom tray to get rid of any crumbs left behind.

4. Peace of mind safety feature

For those with small children, check the safety feature of the toaster oven. Some can be powered off at the push of a cancel button. Some have additional short circuit protection to ensure the safety of the user.

5. Stylish looks

If you are design conscious, check if the toaster oven matches your home decor. Whether you prefer a slick, modern, classic or vintage look, you will find what you need at FORTRESS.