2025 Popular Summer Outdoor (Hiking & Camping) Shopping Guide & Recommendation
Hiking, camping, lux camping and camper van experiences... are undoubtedly among the latest outdoor crazes. While there has been an increase in the number of sites where you don't need to bring any camping equipment, it's nice to hike or experience real camping if you want to slow down, get away from the crush of the city and experience a genuine 'self-sufficient' lifestyle even if only for a short while.
Whether you are hiking or visiting a camping site, here is a list of essential hiking and camping gear from brands such as BIGPACK 、Captain stag 、Mystery Ranch to make your experience more enjoyable.
Must-have list for hiking and camping
In case of unpredictable weather, it's a good idea to bring along a compass, a map or a preloaded offline map to quickly narrow the search and rescue area should the need arise. Turning on the GPS function is very power-hungry, so get a smart wearable GPS that serves as a compass, map, GPS location and health monitor for more peace of mind.
Even if everything goes smoothly, you'll need a lot of tools to settle down in the wilderness, so pick up an all-in-one tool that can be used for camping, meal preparation and grass trimming. For backpacking, we recommend metal-connected, sturdy walking poles to maintain your balance and conserve energy during hiking.
If entertainment is important to you, choose a 3C device that is portable, waterproof and dustproof, so you can enjoy the best entertainment experience even when you're outdoors. Watch a movie in open air, play music or sing your favourite songs. Enjoy summertime your way!
With the hot weather, mosquitoes easily breed in the countryside. Shop for mosquito repellents, neck fans and cooling bandanas to keep the heat and insects away so you can enjoy the outdoors more. And, as the weather can be unpredictable, be prepared for sudden changes in the weather with a lightweight, easy-to-use foldable umbrella for both rain and shade.
You need a backpack and storage bags for hiking or camping. Check the capacity, weight, water resistance, durability and storage convenience so you can get everything you need to your destination safely and securely. If you need to work, look for an inner pocket for your laptop.
You probably find it hard to keep your hands free during hiking, camping or cooking at night. Get yourself a headlamp to ensure you have sufficient lighting. And add more ambience to your camping experience with a floor or overhead light. There are also dual-purpose lamps that light up your tent to suit different camping habits.
When you're outdoors, the highlight is the picnic, right? Choose a lightweight, multi-purpose and easy-to-stow outdoor cooker to reduce the weight and make it easier to carry around. And if you want to go the extra mile, choose a large, foldable insulated bag or a lightweight portable car cooler to keep your ingredients fresh. And of course, remember to buy water bags to carry clean, drinking water around the camping site.
Use these as a resting place or for storing equipment, meals, toys and more. Think about where you are going to use them as well as safety, convenience and comfort features. Choose folding swing chairs to create your own little playground any time.
Choosing a camping tent and sleeping bag depends not only on the number of people you have to cater for and the weight of the bag and tent, but also the season and weather. As Hong Kong is a humid place, tents with mesh windows are most suitable for summer. Before you buy, check the sleeping bag temperature comfort rating. To be on the safe side, it is advisable to add 5-10°C to the sleeping bag temperature to match the minimum temperature at the camping site.
In Hong Kong, comfort level temperatures are generally around 5°C in summer and -5°C for all three seasons.